Easy to follow guidance to help you create the habit of meditation and start to access the incredible benefits. Choose to use these meditations to create a morning routine - or meditate later in the day if that suits you best. Why 5 minutes? Because no matter how busy you are, everyone has got 5 minutes to get started in creating this powerful habit.

Let’s demystify meditation to make it easier for YOU.



    Meditation Habit Creation Online Course by Lisa Fox

    Welcome to Lisa Fox's Meditation Habit Creation online course, your gateway to inner transformation and personal growth. If you're seeking to cultivate the habit of meditation and unlock its incredible benefits, you're in the right place. We believe that everyone can spare just 15 minutes a day to start building this life-changing habit.

    lisa fox wellbeings earth meditation guide habit creation

    Hi, I'm Lisa Fox, your guide on this transformative journey. Through MMHC, you'll not only be supported to establish a daily meditation practice but also integrate it seamlessly into your morning routine. The benefits you might feel with commitment to this programme in my experience include feeling better, improved focus, enhanced self-trust, self-confidence and a newfound belief in yourself. Everyone’s journey is unique. Come and explore a new way of getting to know and relating to yourself with kindness with us. 

    21-Day Morning Meditation Habit Creation™ (MMHC) - Main Highlights

    This signature group course is designed to help start you on your journey to creating the powerful habit of meditation within 21 days.

    • The scientific literature shows that practicing meditation can increase inner calm and even cognitive ability such as memory, while reducing mind wandering and distraction.

    • The data also evidences an increase in kindness and compassion with meditation (you can delve more into this on my blog).

    • Use this programme to enhance your morning routine for a more focused and resilient start to your day or use the live call recordings later on in the day it that suits you best.

    Transformation Coaching

    If you're seeking personal and professional transformation, Lisa Fox also offers 1:1 Transformation Coaching. This tailored collaborative coaching will help you move away from negative self-talk to kindness, expand into your future and open into presence, power and purpose.

    My unique transformation coaching blueprint…

    • Kindness in Response

    • Expanding Beyond

    • Collaboration: Humble and Commanding

    • Human Potential

    • Discernment: Design and Create


    Here's what some of our satisfied participants have to say

    Morning Meditation Habit Creation Live Course:

    “Thank you so much for this course, it was truly amazing…I tried many times to start meditating but always found hard to keep it going…but with this course I am now developing a regular meditation practice…”

    Davide Penazzi, University Lecturer

    Transformation Coaching:

    “Lisa showed me some simple things you can add to your routine that really are helping me move away from negative internal dialogue towards positive language and presence in the moment…Thank you for your time and your amazing energy + attitude.”


    You probably landed on this page for a reason.

    Hello, and welcome to a transformative journey with Lisa J Fox.

    Whether you're here for Meditation Habit Creation, Transformation Coaching or both, you're taking a significant step toward unlocking your true potential.

    Presence brings us into our Power

    Presence + Power inspires Purpose

    In our Purpose we expand into our truly vast Human Potential

    Remember, “Your playing small, does not serve the world”

    - Marianne Williamson

    Kind Words