Discover this Hidden Treasure: How ONE Word 'Already' Can Transform Your Life Forever
It is so simple and yet one of the best kept secret powers of language use.
If you do nothing else, start using this today.
How does it work?
When you use word ‘already’ your unconscious mind tries to make reality match the picture you’ve given it. The mind dislikes incongruence and uses energy every day to prove to you your view of the world is the correct one. This validates your beliefs, values and your sense of self, who you believe you are in the world. This is why when human beings come from fear (feeling unsafe), we tend to be sceptical and closed minded. Conversely, when humans come from love (feeling safe), we open up into a healthy scepticism with open-mindedness which tends to create greater curiosity, creativity and seeking to learn. By enacting this word, ‘already’, we put to good use this powerful need of the mind to be congruent. Repetition is key.
Phrases for daily use in your morning routine (or be creative with your own):
I'm already having a good day.
I’m already taking action on [insert the topic of procrastination here].
My meeting with a colleague / employee / loved one has already gone really well for both of us.
I'm already making good choices to look after myself better.
I’m already communicating with myself / my partner / my child with more patience.
The mind forges new neural connections via repetition: repeat your ‘already’ statements each morning until no longer needed. Don’t just believe me or disbelieve me. Try it - the proof is in testing it out for yourself. Enjoy the outcomes of using this incredibly simple and effective tool and please let me know what shifts for you.
With Love and Metta,